Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So I started a blog. Is it pathetic to say that I don't really care if people read it or not? Sure I would like it to be read but thats not why I'm doing this. I think it will be cathartic for me to write my thoughts down, to just get them out of my head...
//I'm attempting to change schools. The school I want to attend is great, it offers the degrees I want but also has programs and different venues for me to experience, learn and do stuff I'm incredibly interested in but that don't really pertain to my major. I wanted to start this next spring semester but i haven't heard anything from them, not an acceptance or a denial.
//As much as I hate to admit it I'm lonely. Many of my friends are married, engaged, or practically living with their significant other and I wish I had someone like that. Several of my friends that are practically living with each other just settled and didn't wait for THE GUY to come along and its not good. Im not willing to settle. I have dreams and goals and i dont want to become involved with someone that will hinder me.

Something Important: I am a Christian. I try to emulate Jesus' life. Christ has set such a high standard, but its not a standard of hate, or judgement but of love. The  Bible is not just a history, its a standard of conduct and a love story from God to me, and to you

You can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. I want different results.
It's time to change